Nehemiah International Ministry

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A Word for 2014

2014 is here whether we are ready or not. Here are some things to ponder and chew on this year. I believe this year is a year of significant advancement or moving forward as the body of Christ tears down walls of division and religion. Job says this, “The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger.” 2014 is a year of moving forward, not retreating. Here are some things in this year of moving forward that we'll have to keep before us:

1. HIM - Colossians 1:15-23, it is all about Jesus, we have to always have Him before us. It truly is all about Him.
2. Releasing the past - Isaiah 43:18,19 - Don't keep stuck in the mud of this past year, move on! Let God heal any hurts, wounds, offenses and then embrace the new thing He is doing.
3. Denial of self - Luke 9:23 - this is a daily process that we all must face. "Not my will Father, but yours be done today"
4. Hope - Isaiah 40:31 - Hope will be imperative for the advancing and movement of the body of Christ. Without it faith and love will falter. Hope is the anticipation and expectation of good from God in ALL circumstances or situations. Hope is the spring board to our faith and love (Col. 1:5).
5. Endurance - Hebrews 12:1-3 - Remember the movie "Forest Gump?" Remeber the line in the movie, "run Forest run?" This year is not a sprint it's a marathon, we run with perseverance and endurance, and we throw off all the sins that so easily entangle us. The race has been marked out for us, we just need to go back to NUMBER #1 and keep our eyes on Jesus.
I believe that 2014 is a year of movement and advancement for families, the Next Generation and the Church.


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