Nehemiah International Ministry

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Who We Are | Our Mission

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Nehemiah International Ministry is a partner, a connector, a portal – through which people and resources can join with other people and resources to advance the kingdom. Some people are able to travel to other parts of the world to teach, train, build. Some people have financial resources to provide materials, plane tickets, clothing, etc. Some people are steadfast in prayer and can move things in the spirit realm to make a way into a nation, region, or a person’s heart that had previously been closed off.

Our mission is to bring tools of all kinds to missionaries, pastors, churches, and leaders who are already established and actively building in the areas where they live. Just as in the book of Nehemiah, we work alongside these servants to survey the damage, see what the needs are, and put into action all that the Lord has laid on our hearts.

Nehemiah International Ministry is about God’s grace and favor for people who have had their lives, nations, villages, and cities destroyed. It’s about restoration. It’s about the Lord’s vision, spoken over the Lord’s people, for the rebuilding of their lives. It is about leadership and mobilizing the body of Christ for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission: “Go and make disciples.” The meaning of Nehemiah’s name is “God’s comfort,” and that is our heart too.


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Make a donation to Nehemiah International Ministry. Your donation will go toward bringing HOPE and TOOLS to the body of Christ around the world.

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